| We are driven to Algeciras by Jane who leaves us with the plan to meet us down at La Costa where the Guadalmer (river/stream) meets the sea. There is some doubt to the existence of a bridge here. We walk up onto the hills west of Algeciras via an old military road discovering the Camino de Algeciras marked with yellow arrows and crosses as usual on the way. All the many signs prohibiting entry to a military area seem to be from a bygone eras and the occasional machine gun post long deserted. The route is beautiful at this time of year with many wild flowers and birds including more shrikes and various falcons as well as goldfinches and warblers. Alas it is Friday 13th and a text from Jane outlines her difficulty in identifying a road down to our rendezvous, hasty revision of plans occurs leading to a day of 27km instead of 16km and we arrive in Tarifa at 1600hrs after 7hours walking. The coast line in the later stages looks strait across to Morroco and their mobile networks persisted in welcoming us. It has a natural break water of rock strata just off shore protecting the low cliffs. A great days walking even with repeated hat loss due to the strong headwind.